Sunday, December 31, 2006

Taking a look at defense

I thought it might be fun to look at's defensive rankings again, and pick out the highest and lowest rated players per position (pitcher, catcher and first baseman aren't calculated). Minimum 350 innings player per position.

Position Best Defender Worst Defender
2B Drew Anderson -14 William Bergolla -42*
SS Ray Olmedo +32 Adam Rosales -36
3B Earl Snyder +36 Aaron Herr -4
RF Cody Strait +46 Brandon Szymanski -29
CF Jay Bruce +42 Chris Denorfia -15
LF Jay Garthwaite +24 Gerardo Cabrera -12

* No longer with the team

The second baseman, organization wide were very below average. At 3B, the organization was quite a bit above average, the worst defender of them all, was just 4 plays below average.